Some More Coping Skills to Try

Here are some more skills to add to your pandemic coping toolkit.  I hope they are helpful to you and remember to always tailor skills to your unique needs.  Not all of these skills will help you so make sure to try a few and figure out which ones work for you and...

A Coronavirus Mental Health Toolkit

Physically distancing (my preferred term for social distancing since it is by far more accurate regarding what we are tasked with doing) is difficult.  I don’t care how introverted or extroverted you think you are, humans are social creatures at the end of the day. ...

Coronavirus and Some Tricks to Stay Healthy

I have not had a lot of time to blog lately, but I feel compelled to spend some time writing about the Coronavirus which I will refer to as COVID19 from here on out. A Good Resource We must focus on the facts. I recommend everyone read the following website:...

Crying in Therapy and What to Expect

When you think of psychotherapy or counseling, what image comes to mind?  If you’ve never been to therapy, there’s a strong chance that a crying person sitting on a couch across from a therapist comes to mind. You wouldn’t be weird to think that as this is one of the...

Why Am I in Pain?

Pain is the number one reason people begin to seek help.  Humans tend to not like pain, especially severe pain.  We’ll do anything to not be in pain. However, pain is a perfectly normal experience.  Moreover, pain is an important experience. Pain tells us when...