A Coronavirus Mental Health Toolkit

Physically distancing (my preferred term for social distancing since it is by far more accurate regarding what we are tasked with doing) is difficult.  I don’t care how introverted or extroverted you think you are, humans are social creatures at the end of the day. ...

Crying in Therapy and What to Expect

When you think of psychotherapy or counseling, what image comes to mind?  If you’ve never been to therapy, there’s a strong chance that a crying person sitting on a couch across from a therapist comes to mind. You wouldn’t be weird to think that as this is one of the...

Self-Care: a Personal Experience

Counselors need self-care too. Let’s not kid ourselves. Every healthcare professional is still human even if we try not to act like we still have those limitations. If you are an avid reader of mine, you have noticed that I have not posted in a while. That is because...