Responding to School Shootings: an Opinion

It has been two days since the STEM Academy shooting crisis, and I am still beside myself.  The grief of the community and the somberness of this week hangs over everything. I want to validate that this is appropriate.  This was a senseless act of violence that...

Career Counseling: Make it Easier For Yourself!

When I was in graduate school, I thought the most boring class I would take would be the part on career theories.  However, my very wise professor showed me how fascinating this can be since career is where adults arguably spend 80% of their time.  Career isn’t just...

The HALT Acronym and Parenting

When I received training for being an inpatient counselor, I learned this handy little acronym.  Not only does it help with very quick diagnostic decisions at the hospital, I believe it can immensely help with parenting as well as other relationships in your life....